Coronavirus & Hand Washing
As Podiatrists and health care professionals one of the very first key lessons at University we are taught in infection control is the importance of the simple act of washing our hands correctly.
This is demonstrated to us by the use of a UV hand washing tool kit. We are asked to apply a hand gel, then wash our hands using our normal technique and then put our hands back under the UV light. Where we have not removed the initial hand gel properly is visible under the light and immediately demonstrates the need for a much more thorough technique! After this, we fully understand the importance of washing hands before and after every treatment, and know to take our time and do it thoroughly.
Hand washing under UV light (Hand to right washed longest, credit
A key defence in reducing the spread of any infection including the Coronavirus is hand washing as the virus enters through the mucous membranes when we touch our mouth or nose.
Here is the NHS advice video explaining how to do it correctly:
We should wash our hands for at least 20 seconds.
When arriving home or into work
After coughing sneezing or blowing your nose
Before preparing and eating food
Soap and water is very effective as it destroys the lipid membrane of coronavirus. Hand sanitizer is the second choice when hand washing facilities are not available, though it must contain 60% or more alcohol content to be effective.
Frequent hand washing can lead to dry and cracked hands and irritant dermatitis, this is especially difficult if you already suffer from a skin condition such as Eczema.
The British association of dermatologists have advised that after soap and water hands should be patted dry and not rubbed and after that emollient can be applied to replenish moisture in the skin, but every time there is a risk of infection the hands should be re-washed.
Stay healthy, and remember keep washing those hands!