Diabetic Feet
If you have Type I or Type II Diabetes then small issues can escalate quickly, so it's crucial that you have your feet checked regularly by a trained Podiatrist.
Diabetic Feet: An Overview
If you have been diagnosed with either Type I or Type II Diabetes then it is especially important that you have your feet checked and treated regularly by a Podiatrist. Raised Glucose levels over a period of time can contribute to poor circulation in the legs and feet as well as a loss of sensation known as neuropathy.
What may seem a small problem to a person without Diabetes can quickly escalate into a larger one in the Diabetic foot causing wounds, infection and even ulceration. We conduct a 12 monthly Diabetic Foot Assessment on all of our routine Diabetic patients, the results of which we send to your GP to keep them informed of your foot health.
Our Podiatrists are trained to the highest level for caring for Diabetic feet and we keep up to date with the latest research and diagnostic equipment available for our patients. We also offer this assessment service for those suffering with vascular problems and those with Rheumatoid Arthritits in the feet, as the issues that can arise are very similar in nature and when treated early can prevent further problems.
Diabetic Feet: The Appointment
A standard Diabetic Foot Health Assessment takes around 30 minutes. We advise Diabetic patients to attend every 6 weeks so we can monitor the feet for any changes that may occur and given how quickly problems can escalate we'll always endeavour to accommodate emergency appointments if required.
During a typical appointment there are 3 main areas we'll cover in line with NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) guidelines:
Vascular Assessment
This is to check the circulation in the legs and feet, we are trained to visually observe any problems, assess any temperature differences and any changes to the skin and nails which would indicate vascular problems. We also use a Doppler Ultrasound, which involves placing an ultrasound gel over the pulse areas of the feet and ankle to listen to the strength and regularity of the arteries in the legs and feet.
Neurological Assessment
This assessment is intended to check the correct function of nerves in the feet using a 10g monofilament or Neuropen - both diagnostic tools for observing any loss of nerve sensation or ‘neuropathy’. After this step if we suspect there may be a nerve related issue we will then apply a Neuropad, which is a small pad designed to indicate if neuropathic changes are happening in the feet.
General Care & Footwear Advice
We will provide you with the relevant advice that you need to make sure that your feet are safe and comfortable between appointments. The footwear advice we provide is crucial as appropriately fitting shoes are a key factor in maintaining healthy Diabetic feet. We also supply a number of appropriate shoe brands and can discuss these options with you during your appointment.
“I attend Podiatry treatment around every 6 weeks as I am Diabetic; My feet feel much better afterwards and I regularly have a Diabetic Foot Assessment which assures me that everything is being monitored. I also attend Soft Tissue Mobilisation appointments for my feet and legs as they can ache at times and this has been extremely helpful. I always recommend Walk Right Podiatry to my family and friends.”
Diabetic Feet: Book an Appointment
If you'd like to book a Diabetic foot appointment with Walk Right Podiatry just get in touch. Our location on Drake Street in Rochdale means we're easily accessible from the whole of the Greater Manchester area. We can usually offer appointments within 24-48 hours and we'll always try to accommodate emergency appointments where possible.